Some Properties Z-S Semi Models


  • Manar Naji Ghayyib Baghdad university ,collage of engineering
  • Aya Adnan Mousa Abd University of information technology and communication
  • Zaman Adel Rashid Baghdad university ,collage of science


Keywords: Small prime submodules, Z-small submodules, prime submodules, small submodule, singular module.


Abstract. Let H unital (left) E–module where E commutative ring with identity. As generalization of small prime submodule we present and discuss the idea of Z-small prime submodule. Among the result that we obtain the following: a submodule W of a finitely faithful multiplication E –module. If W is Z-S-P submodule of H, then [W:H] is a Z-S-P- ideal of E.

Author Biographies

Manar Naji Ghayyib, Baghdad university ,collage of engineering

Baghdad university ,collage of engineering

Aya Adnan Mousa Abd, University of information technology and communication

University of information technology and communication

Zaman Adel Rashid, Baghdad university ,collage of science

Baghdad university ,collage of science


